Disposable e-mail addressing (DEA) refers to an alternative way of sharing and managing e-mail addressing.
Every time you give your e-mail address to a Web site, you risk the chance that it will be sold to a rabid spam monger. You can reduce this risk by using disposable e-mail addresses (DEAs).
When you want to download something, for example an application from a Web site, nine times out of 10 you are asked for your e-mail address. While a few sites perform no e-mail address verification whatsoever, most smart sites either send a custom generated short term download link or some kind of activation key that is confirmed on installation to cross reference to a given address.
Depending on the way your e-mail is handled, you may be able to create your own DEAs without paying for the service. Many e-mail servers ignore certain additional characters in e-mail addresses and deliver the messages regardless and few DEA's ask for the registration.
Here are the list of few DEA's....